PCFx - Radar Chart
Draw or insert "radar chart" in Power App without using Power BI, just define the settings in JSON format and start using this code component.
When we have a requirement to embed a chart, our first thought is to use Power BI because it is a powerful and fast reporting tool and we can embed a Power BI report in Power Apps.
But what happens when we can't use Power BI, due to cost, policy, or any other reason? In case you need to avoid Power BI, you can use this solution to create a basic radar chart using a custom code component.
You can find the code or download the component "InavantRadarChartSolution.zip" from here:
This code component uses a JSON configuration to define lines(many as you need) colors, labels and other basic configuration, each JSON property is self-explained , you can update it and taste it you changes.
You can find this and other components here:
This site has collection of code components and many developer are sharing new solution , you can download them and import them to Power Apps portal y extend the default functionality of your apps.